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Current Bid Opportunities

RFP # 2300-11 Disposition of Scattered-Site Condominium Units

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is related to the disposition of five scattered-site condominium units currently owned by the Boston Housing Authority (BHA). BHA seeks proposals from housing developers, construction contractors, or other parties who would acquire one or all units. The disposition is subject to M.G.L. c.121B s. 26(p) and M.G.L. c. 30B, s. 16. Proposers may bid on one or all units.

RFP # 2247-11 Various Site Improvements at Martin Luther King Jr., Elderly Developments

The Boston Housing Authority (BHA or Authority) is seeking services of a qualified firm headed by a landscape architect (Designer or Consultant) to provide design and construction administration services for the construction of site improvements at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Elderly Development located in the Roxbury section of Boston, Massachusetts. The Estimated Project Construction Cost (EPCC) is $750,000 which includes a construction contingency. The Boston Housing Authority will fund this work from a Community Preservation Act (CPA) grant.

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