Public employment is a public trust, and employees of the BHA have an obligation to respect the laws, promote the public well-being, and set a positive example of good citizenship by scrupulously observing the letter and spirit of all laws and administrative rules.


Boston Housing Authority's Procurement Policy - adopted July 2023

Procurement Guides & Educational Materials

The Chapter 30B Manual - 7th Edition

Chapter 30B establishes procedures to follow for most agreements for acquisitions of supplies and services, dispositions of surplus supplies, and real property acquisitions and dispositions by local governmental bodies.

Designing and Constructing Public Facilities (Massachusetts Guide)

HUD Procurement Handbook - HUD Handbook 7460.8 REV 2, 2/2007

HUD Procurement Regulation - 24 CFR 85.36

Purchase Requisition Form - Use this for ordering goods or services from the Procurement Department when direct entry into Elite Procurement is not available.  The completed Purchase Requistion should be forwarded to the Budget Department for approval and proper coding.

120 Form - Use this for ordering supplies from BHA's Central Stores or MIS Depot when direct entry into Elite Procurement is not available,  The completed 120 Form should be scanned and sent to the appropriate BHA staff.

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