Adult Education, Workforce and Reentry

The Charlestown Adult Education Program, Workforce, and Reentry Program (CAE) located in the center of Boston Housing Authority’s (BHA) public housing complex, is a comprehensive adult education, workforce, and reentry program. As a MassHire Access Point, we offer adult education (HiSET/GED and ESOL), job training, and job placement services to all at-risk and underserved populations, including young adults who leave high school prior to completion, returning citizens, and English Language Learners.

We provide a suite of wrap-around services to stabilize the lives of the people we serve including housing support, food distribution, monetary assistance for phone/WiFi, ­financial and digital literacy support, tax preparation, ID and RMV services, mental health counseling, and case management services, ensuring that all barriers to success are removed, and all who come to us are able to advance their education and job related goals.

Our mission is to equitize and advance opportunities through our seamless pipeline of services for our community’s most marginalized populations.

If you would like to learn more about our adult education services, click here to visit our external website.

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