Plan 2019 Amendment #2 - approved


The Boston Housing Authority held a public hearing to review and comment upon Amendment #2 regarding approved changes to the BHA FY2019 Annual Plan.  The purpose of Amendment #2 is to include the use of HUD's RAD (Rental Assistance Demonstration) program and HUD's Section 18 Disposition process as potential strategies to facilitate renovations that are planned for several public housing developments. The public hearing was held on Monday September 16, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the Copley Square branch of the Boston Public Library, Commonwealth Salon at 700 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116.

The approved changes are amendments to the BHA’s 2019 Annual Plan.  A 45-day review and comment period commenced on Monday August 12, 2019 and closed on Wednesday September 25, 2019.  Copies of the approved amended documents are available here on the BHA’s website and will be on view at the BHA’s Planning, 11th Floor, 52 Chauncy St., Boston, MA.

If you have a reasonable accommodation request relative to reviewing the Plan, please call 617-988-4401 or TDD 800-545-1833 x420. 

Plan Supplement in revision mode, click here.

Response to Comments, click here.

2019 Annual Plan Amendment #2 public hearing flyer, click here.

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