Grievances and Appeals for Public Housing Residents

Grievance Hearing

A public housing resident who feels they have been treated unfairly by a Boston Housing Authority (BHA) action or failure to act in accordance with the lease or any policy or regulation that affects the resident’s status, rights, duties or welfare may be entitled to a Grievance Hearing before a BHA Hearing Officer or BHA's Grievance Panel. The Panel is comprised of three BHA residents and two BHA staff members. Notice of the hearing will be sent at least 14 days in advance to the address provided in the hearing request or, if none is provided, to the address of record.

Grievance Appeal Hearing

After the Grievance Hearing, the Hearing Officer or Grievance Panel will issue a written decision within 15 days of the hearing. In non-eviction cases, either BHA or the resident may appeal the decision. The Grievance Appeal hearing is heard and decided by a Hearing Officer. Appeal requests must be submitted within 10 business days of receipt of the panel’s decision. The Grievance Coordinator will schedule a hearing as promptly as possible. Notice of the hearing will be sent at least 14 days in advance to the address provided in the hearing request or, if none is provided, to the last address reported to BHA.


Grievance Hearing FAQs, and Grievance Appeal Hearing FAQs


Causes for eviction and eviction procedures are governed by BHA's lease and lease addenda.

Hearing Request Form for Public Housing residents.

To request a Grievance Hearing or Grievance Appeal Hearing, a written request must be submitted to development management or to the Grievance Coordinator.

By mail to:

Boston Housing Authority
Department of Grievances and Appeals
52 Chauncy Street
9th Floor
Boston MA 02111

By fax to (617) 988-4301

By email

A resident who is uncertain whether he or she is entitled to a hearing or has any questions regarding the appeal process may contact the Grievance Panel Coordinator at (617) 988-4579 (TTY: (800) 545-1833 ext. 420) or by email.

Policy and Regulations for Public Housing Resident Appeals

BHA Admissions & Continued Occupancy Policy

Read more about BHA’s Tenant Grievance Procedures

Code of Federal Regulations (for residents residing in federal developments)

Code of Massachusetts Regulations (for residents residing in state developments)

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