Moderate Rehabilitation Program Administrative Plan

Chapter 1:Introduction and Policy

1.1 Introduction

The purpose of this document is to set forth the Boston Housing Authority (“BHA”) policies and procedures for admission and continued participation in the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Housing Program (“Mod Rehab Program” or “Mod Rehab”) . The Mod Rehab program provides project-based rental assistance for low-income families. The program was repealed in 1991 and no new projects are authorized for development.  See Section 1.2 below for further clarification.  Assistance is limited to properties previously rehabilitated pursuant to a housing assistance payments (HAP) contract between an Owner and a Boston Housing Authority (BHA).

The federal regulations that authorize the BHA to administer the program can be found at 24 C.F.R. § 882 and are referenced throughout. 

This Mod Rehab Program Administrative Plan frequently references the BHA’s Housing Choice Voucher Program (“HCVP”) Administrative Plan since there is a significant overlap in policy between the two programs.   Please note that the HCVP plan frequently references Leasing Officer duties.  Those same duties will be assigned to the more general term BHA staff under Mod Rehab Program.

Sections of this Administrative Plan are organized in accordance with the Mod Rehab Program’s chronology, beginning with project development and continuing through to Unit leasing activities and continued Program administrations. Terms which are capitalized throughout this Administrative Plan are defined terms that can be found in the Glossary.

1.2 Note on Newly Rehabilitated Units and the Cranston-Gonzalez Act

The Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act repealed 42 U.S.C. § 1437f(e)(2) and thus ended the funding of new Moderate Rehabilitation Units as of October 1, 1991. See 42 U.S.C. § 12839(a). Units that were rehabilitated prior to the cessation of funding are still in operation, and thus this Administrative Plan will continue to address them.

Although the Mod Rehab Program was repealed, the Mod Rehab Single Room Occupancy (“SRO”) Program for Homeless Individuals in accordance with title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is still an active program and potentially, new funding could become available subject to appropriations by Congress. See 42 U.S.C. § 11361 et seq. While this is technically a different program from the original Mod Rehab Program, this Administrative Plan will address both programs since they share most of the same regulations and most of the same BHA policies and procedures. The main difference between the programs is the statutory authority for their funding.  Therefore, this Administrative Plan will refer to both programs as the “Mod Rehab Program” for the sake of convenience but will highlight any regulatory differences between the programs where necessary.

Since funding for new rehabilitations is only available pursuant to the McKinney-Vento SRO program, the sections of this Administrative Plan dealing with the funding and rehabilitation of new Units will exclusively conform with the regulations for the McKinney-Vento SRO program.  See 24 C.F.R. part 882, subpart H.  For the policies and regulations that governed the rehabilitation of Units under the original Mod Rehab Program, please refer to prior versions of 24 C.F.R. part 882 that were applicable at the time of contract award. Where appropriate, policies governing the maintenance of these still-operational Units are included in this version of the Administrative Plan.

1.2.1 Homeless Involvement in SRO Rehabilitation/Operation

To the maximum extent possible, the Owners of assisted McKinney-Vento Mod Rehab Program properties will involve homeless individuals and families, through employment, volunteer services, or otherwise, in rehabilitating and operating SRO facilities, and in providing services for occupants of such facilities. See 24 C.F.R. § 882.808(q)(2).

1.2.2 Newly Rehabilitated Efficiency Units

Under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Mod Rehab Program funding for SRO Units may also be used for the rehabilitation of efficiency Units. The rules and procedures for SRO Units in this Administrative Plan are therefore intended to apply to efficiency Units as well. See 42 U.S.C. § 11407 and 24 C.F.R. § 882.805(d)(4).

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