West Newton Resident Updates

Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) at West Newton-Rutland:  BHA, and its Developer Partner, IBA, have hosted several meetings regarding renovations of the West Newton Development. To aid in the rehabilitation of the property, BHA has submitted a RAD application to HUD. RAD is a federal program that would allow BHA and IBA to raise private funds to pay for the rehabilitation. Specifically, RAD will provide a stable source of funding to preserve the affordability of public housing units. On April 19, 2016, the RAD application was submitted. HUD approved and awarded the RAD application on March 1, 2017. In order to accept the RAD award, the BHA will be required to take several additional steps over the next couple of months, including onsite work. An upcoming resident meeting is being planned to provide an update on the RAD process.

On Site Work: In order to plan for its renovations, IBA and its contractors visited the West Newton/Rutland property over a period of several months in 2016 inspect and collect information on the conditions of the apartments and common areas. All residents were sent a notice of the planned inspections.
Resident Correspondence Documents
September 27, 2016: Resident Meeting Resident Meeting Flyer
April 13, 2016: General Information Notice Issue  
February 29, 2016: Resident Meeting RAD Resident Meeting
December 8, 2015: Resident Meeting Resident Meeting Flyer
November 4, 2015: Developer RFP Update RFP Update Letter


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