JJ Carroll Apartments

Built in 1966, JJ Carroll apartments is a 64-unit federal public housing development on Chestnut Hill Avenue in Brighton that serves seniors and persons with disabilities. The development consists of four three-story walk-up buildings and community room located on approximately 1.86 acres of land. The buildings are now obsolete with systems that are expensive to maintain and entirely lacking in accessibility features.

In May 2019, BHA issued a Request for Proposals for certain developer services for the disposition and redevelopment of the JJ C Carroll development with the goal to replace all 64 public housing units with 64 or more new, deeply affordable replacement units in a mixed-income community, including a community facility building, new infrastructures, and streets.   BHA had designated 2Life Communities (formerly Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly) as the developer for JJ Carroll. 2Life Communities has begun working with JJ Carroll residents and BHA on a plan to replace the site with new buildings that are energy efficient and accessible, including universal design and adaptability features that aim to enable residents to age in place as their physical needs change.  In addition, 2Life owns and operates a campus of senior housing that directly abuts the property. The new JJ Carroll will be fully integrated into the 2Life Brighton campus.


JJ Carroll

Target completion: 2023

Total units: 142

Manager: 2Life

The redevelopment will create 142 units of affordable housing and will include the following:

64 replacement apartments will be deeply affordable Section 8 Project Based Voucher units to elderly and disabled households

78 additional affordable senior rental units of which 50 will be Section 8 Project Based Voucher units and 28 will be Low Income Housing Tax Credit units 

Non-residential space such as a PACE center (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly)

Publicly-accessible open space current JJ Carroll residents will be offered new apartments at construction completion—new homes linked to 2Life’s existing senior housing campus with its extensive programs and resident services.

Construction is targeted to begin in October 2020 and will take up to eighteen months.

Current JJ Carroll residents will be offered new apartments at construction completion—new homes linked to 2Life’s existing senior housing campus with its extensive programs and resident services. 

To get on BHA's waitlist for the JJ Carroll Section 8 Project Base Voucher units, please visit here.


Below: Renderings of the future housing by MASS Design Group4.jpg




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