Bunker Hill Redevelopment

Developer: Bunker Hill Redevelopment Company LLC, a joint venture of Joseph J. Corcoran Co. and Leggat McCall Properties
Total Units: 2,699 mixed-income housing (1,010 deeply affordable units and 1,689 market-rate units)
Expected start date: 2021
Bunker Hill is the largest public housing development in the City of Boston.  In June 2015, BHA issued a Request for Proposal for the redevelopment of Bunker Hill as part of a wider strategy to upgrade and sustain affordable housing communities. The market conditions in the Charlestown neighborhood provided an opportunity to leverage the market to replace all 1,100 affordable units in Bunker Hill.

BHA has designated Bunker Hill Redevelopment Company LLC (BHRC), a joint venture between affiliates of Leggat McCall Companies LLC and Joseph J. Corcoran Company, as the developer for the project.  BHRC is working in partnership with BHA and the Charlestown Resident Alliance (CRA) to advance plans to redevelop Bunker Hill into a vibrant and sustainable mixed-income community.

BHRC has been working on a comprehensive planning process with Bunker Hill residents and the community.  For more information about the Bunker Hill redevelopment and the resident engagement process, please visit the redevelopment website here.  For updates from the CRA, please visit the CRA Facebook page here.        

Phase One Redevelopment and Relocation

The development team is moving forward with the Phase One portion of the redevelopment.  Phase One will remove 126 public housing units and replace with 358 apartments with green space and parking.  Construction of Phase One is scheduled to begin early 2021.

Phase One relocation will begin summer 2020.  BHA has hired Housing Opportunities Unlimited (HOU) to coordinate relocation services and to support residents throughout the redevelopment process.  BHA, with input from the CRA, has prepared the Phase One Relocation and Rehousing Plan which establishes policies, procedures, rights and benefits of relocating Phase One households.  We encourage Phase One households to review the plan and submit written comments about the relocation plan to the BHA by email here and/or the Bureau of Relocation at the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).  Any comments submitted to HOU or BHA will be forwarded to the Bureau of Relocation.  The relocation plan can be found here.

You can email your comments to Carolyn Barry, or call 617-988-4128.

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