Amory Street

Developer: The Community Builders, Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation and Urban Edge 
Units: Renovate existing 215 units, add 324 workforce units and 185 market units
Expected start date: To be determined

Amory Street is a 215-unit federal elderly development located in Jamaica Plain. In summer of 2015, BHA issued a Request for Proposal for developer services for Amory Street with the goal of updating the property while avoiding displacement of current residents and to preserve affordability for extremely low-income households. BHA was seeking a plan to rehabilitate the existing building and possible new construction infill housing that will ensure the long-term viability of the low-income units.

In November of 2015, BHA designated Community Builders, Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation and Urban Edge, a joint partnership, as the designated developer for the Amory Street development.  The plan proposes to rehabilitate the 215 existing public housing units and create 509 mixed-income units on vacant land. The 215 existing units will undergo a comprehensive modernization and energy efficient upgrades and the site will be reconfigured to build five new mixed-income buildings. The plan will enable new connections to the surrounding neighborhood and will create a more integrated development. Click here to view the the proposed site plan.



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