Smoke-Free Housing at BHA
Page Index: Smoke-Free Policy | Reporting a Smoking Violation | Smoking-Free Living Resources
A message about the effects of smoking from our 2015 BHA Youth Health Ambassadors in their video titled, Smoking is Your Biggest Opponent.
Smoking is one of the biggest health risks in your home. Smoking is not only bad for you but, it also affects others through secondhand smoke. There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Children and those with breathing problems like asthma are especially sensitive to the effects of secondhand smoke. Smoking is also a major cause of fires within multi-family buildings. Boston Housing Authority (BHA) implemented a Smoke-Free Housing Policy on September 30, 2012, which prohibits smoking in resident apartments. If you are a BHA resident, see how you can report a smoking violation.
What Does the Smoke-Free Policy Mean?
Smoke-free housing means that no one is permitted to smoke anywhere inside the apartment building or outside within 25 feet of the buildings. The non-smoking policy applies to every member of the household, as well as all visitors. This policy does not mean that residents who smoke cannot reside in the housing properties – they just cannot smoke in non-smoking designated areas.
Violating the policy by smoking in non-designated areas is a lease violation and could result in eviction or a fine. While quitting smoking can be difficult, there are resources available to help. If this is something you are interested in, see your management office regarding available services to help you quit.
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Reporting a Smoking Violation
It is important that if you see someone violating the Smoke-Free Policy, that you report them to the BHA in order for us to assure that everyone is complying with the Smoke-Free Policy which is a part of their lease with BHA. People (staff, residents, guests) can make a report by sending an email, making a telephone call, or speaking with staff in the managerment office. The email address or telephone number to make a report are slightly different depending on where the smoking violation takes place. Please consult the following list for what phone number or email to use to make a report or click here for a printable version. Whether a report comes in by email, phone, or in person, it will be entered into our database and shared with the relevant manager for followup.
Region 1: Call 617-988-5061 or send an email to if you live in one of these developments: Annapolis, Ashmont, Ruth Barkley, Bellflower, Doris Bunte, Franklin Field, Groveland, Mildred Hailey Apts. (formerly Bromley Heath), Anne M. Lynch at Old Colony, Rockland, Roslyn, Spring Street, Alice Taylor
Region 2: Call 617-988-5062 or send an email to if you live in one of these developments: Ausonia, Basilica, Charlestown, Codman, Commonwealth, Foley, Highland Park, Lower Mills, Mary Ellen McCormack, Monsignor Powers, Patricia White, St. Botolph, State Condos, Torre Unidad, 91-95 Washington Street, West Ninth Street
Region 3: Call 617-988-5063 or send an email to if you live in one of these developments: Archdale, Davison, Frederick Douglass, Fairmount, Faneuil, Gallivan, Hampton House, Hassan, Holgate, Martin Luther King Jr., Malone, JJ Meade, Pasciucco, Peabody/Englewood, Pond St. (also known as MM Collins), South Street, General Warren, Washington Manor, West Broadway, Eva White
Region 4: Call 617-988-5064 or send an email to if you live in this development: Heritage
Section 8 tenant or Landlord seeking more information:
If you are Section 8 tenant or landlord seeking more information on going smoke-free take a look at Boston Public Health Commission's page on Smoke Free Homes. See additional Smoke-Free Living Resources below.
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Smoking-Free Living Resources
BHA Non-Smoking Policy Guidebook for Implementation
For the Boston Housing Authority Non-Smoking Policy Guidebook for Implementation, click here, contains information on non-smoking policy in public housing lease, integration of policy into standard operating procedures, examples of training offered to staff and residents along with an assessment of change in knowledge and includes attachments with examples of manager agreement, and signage with reporting options.
List of Tobacco Treatment Programs Serving Boston Residents
Free onsite Smoking Cessation Program
The BHA is offering free stop smoking assistance for anyone who is interested in trying to quit. Sessions include counseling and free nicotine patches for those who medically qualify.
For more information contact Christine Coscia, Tobacco Treatment Specialist at: 617-750-1343. is a resource website from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health providing many resources around smoke-free living, including the following:
They also provide a lot of information on Smoke-Free Environments tailored for landlords, tenants and advocates of Smoke-Free Living including a How to Go Smoke-Free Guide for Landlords of Multi-Unit Housing.
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