South Boston – Fifty residents, BHA staff, family and local elected leaders crowded into the West Broadway community room to celebrate the retirement of Betty Flaherty, the longtime President of the West Broadway Tenant Taskforce. Betty moved to West Broadway in 1953 and has been involved in tenant leadership for many decades.
“I’m here to say thank you for all of the work you’ve done on behalf of residents here at West Broadway,” Boston Housing Authority Acting Administrator Kate Bennett said. “I’ve said before in this room, this taskforce is the longest-standing, most active taskforce in the portfolio. It’s really due to everyone’s efforts, but without leadership like Betty’s I don’t think that would be the case. You’ve been a model for tenant leadership for years and years.”
The Massachusetts legislature and the city council each issued a proclamation thanking Betty for her tireless leadership at West Broadway and congratulating her in her retirement. City Councilor Ed Flynn and State Representative David Biele each delivered kind remarks for Betty.
“I want to thank everybody here. I appreciate all of you. This taskforce has always been a good taskforce,” Flaherty said. “We have more people coming on and it’s going to be even greater.”