BHA resident Wanda Morales, hostess at The Rattlesnake Bar & Grill, was introduced to Mayor Walsh’s Boston Tax Help Coalition, a partner with Boston Housing Authority, about two years ago. Morales, along with many other eligible families and individuals, reach out to this program to help prepare and file their taxes each year. The ultimate goals of this program, founded in 2001, are to create a change from poverty to financial empowerment. It has already helped the residents get $215 back of what they have earned.
Morales, being a mother of five and grandmother of four, was looking for financial help. She turned to the Family Self Sufficiency Program at Boston Housing Authority; a program that helps families increase their earned income, assist with their rent, and become more self-sufficient.
Maria Chavez, Morales’ coordinator in the FSS program, suggested The Roxbury Center for Financial Empowerment to her. Since becoming part of this program, Morales has gotten enough help to turn her life in a positive direction.
On Friday, January 29, 2016, Mayor Walsh celebrated National Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day (EITC) and the launch of this year's Boston Tax Help season at the Roxbury Center for Financial Empowerment. This nation-wide campaign was launched 10 years ago by the IRS, in order to raise awareness about workers getting the credit that they deserved. They encourage as many individuals as possible to get involved, whether it is someone from a community organization or a government official.
The Roxbury Center for Financial Empowerment, located in Dudley Square, provides free services for eligible individuals and families that are looking for help in financial education and coaching, employment placement and career improvement, and public benefits access. They give clients the chance to work with one-on-one financial coaches to help achieve their ultimate goals.
“It’s refreshing to see the relationship grow between the client and the coach, as they work together to reach their aspirations” says Alan Gentle, Director at the Roxbury Center for Financial Empowerment.
Jason Andrade, Lead Financial Coach, works with Wanda Morales weekly at the center to help her handle things such as budgeting and job searching. During tax season, when the center works with the Boston Tax Help Coalition, Andrade helps her find the money that she has earned in her tax return. Morales states that last year she was able to get refunded enough money to get herself a car for traveling to and from work, and have money left over to buy her grandchildren gifts for the holidays.
Andrade said that “[his] favorite part of the job is working with clients and getting to know more about them and their goals. It’s great to see someone’s attitude change for the better, especially knowing that you played a part in it.”
The event featured multiple speakers, including Wanda Morales, explaining the importance of having your taxes done right, getting the credit you deserve, and managing your money. Morales, told her story as a public housing resident and how the help she received turned her life around and made her much happier.
“It’s not about the agencies or the politicians; it is all about the residents and how they can be helped,” says Mimi Turchinetz, Campaign Director of the Boston Tax Help Coalition. “It is very rewarding to see the changes that can be made. “
The ultimate goal is that each lower-class resident is provided with equal opportunities and has a chance to better their life. It is to help people find jobs and keep the money that they earn, in an effort to decrease income inequality. It is important to Mayor Walsh, the Boston Tax Help Coalition, and the many partners, that this awareness is spread and that everyone is getting the help that they deserve.
A ribbon was cut by Mayor Walsh at the event, marking the opening of 35 free neighborhood tax preparation sites across Boston.
The Roxbury Center for Financial Empowerment has Orientation Sessions every Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 AM, and every third Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM, at 7 Palmer Street- 2nd Floor, Roxbury, MA 02119.
The Boston Tax Help Coalition has income tax preparations at the Roxbury Center for Financial Empowerment, for eligible families and individuals, from January 23, 2016 to April 16, 2016, every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM and every Saturday from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
For more information about:
Boston Tax Help Coalition, Visit:
Roxbury Center for Financial Empowerment, Visit:
Wanda Morales, BHA Resident
Mayor Marty Walsh cutting ribbon to launch this year's Boston Tax Help season