Ten BHA residents at Holgate Apartments recently celebrated their graduation from the Digital Equity Program through Central Boston Elder Services.
The six-week class involved regular training in the use of a computer for personal and educational use.
“All of the residents were truly appreciative of the training, they were all so grateful.” Elizabeth Aguilar, the resident service manager at CBES said,
After the residents completed their training they were gifted a certificate and a brand new tablets. Louise Williams, the Secretary for the Holgate Task Force was very excited for her new tablet, “this has been a great experience. I’ve learned a lot and I’m proud of myself.”
“It’s really important that the training happens, you can’t give technology to people and expect them to know how to use it. All of the residents were grateful they were taught how to use the tablets and not just given something they don’t know how to use.” Nina Ruff, the instructor, said, "Every class is different and there is a lot to learn, the students at Holgate were eager and receptive to the technology and had many questions. I wanted them to be engaged and enjoy the technology and what they were doing with the tablets and at the end of class and beyond”
The Boston Housing Authority has provided matching funds for additional devices for a total of 100 chromebooks and laptops, which will be spread across BHA sites in the Roxbury and Dorchester area.
A huge thanks from the BHA to everyone involved with making this happen and congratulations to the residents at Holgate Apartments!