Integrated Pest Management Training

What: One of the key aspects of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is education. This training will provide an understanding of the principles of IPM; an understanding of pests and their lifecycle we confront in public housing; include exercises applying the skills learned; and will provide tips on how to start the IPM conversation with residents and the most important educational messages to share. The trainers are Boston Housing Authority staff, Lori Luce and John Kane using a curriculum developed for the National Center for Healthy Housing. Cost of the training will be $75 and include coffee in the morning, light lunch, and take home binder of educational materials.
When: Thursday, December 4, 2014 from 9 AM to 4:30 PM. Registration starts at 8:30 AM.
Where: 125 Amory Street, Roxbury, MA 02119 in the first floor training room. Amory St. is located on the JP/Roxbury line. Parking is available. Also, the Orange line, Stonybrook stop on the T is only three blocks away.
Who: We will prioritize Code Enforcers, Environmental and Public Health staff, Home Visitors, IPM Tenant Coordinators, Pest Contractors, Property Management Staff, Real Estate personnel, Resident Health Advocates.

Please RSVP for the training before 5 PM Monday November 24, 2014 by calling John Kane at 617-988-4107 or by email. Capacity for 25 to attend the training, first come first served. Attendees with email addresses will also be asked to create an account as a student on the National Healthy Homes Training Center website to register for the course and complete pre- and post-evaluations.
| 10/17/2014 2:28:48 PM