Old Colony: Home Is Where the Hope Is
What does home mean to children in South Boston's Old Colony public housing?

How do you define home? Recently, children of South Boston’s Old Colony public housing community shared what home means to them. These children have seen a dramatic transformation take place in their community with new homes replacing the original 73-year-old housing through two phases of redevelopment.
In 2011, HUD awarded a $22 million HOPE VI grant to the Boston Housing Authority to help finance Phase II of the redevelopment. The transformation of Old Colony has been a collaborative effort with local, state and federal agencies working together to deliver better opportunities for families to succeed. Old Colony is now better connected to the surrounding neighborhood and has a brand new 10,000 square foot Learning Center which allows the BHA to provide robust community and support services programs that focus on education from early childhood through adulthood.
There’s reason for hope at Old Colony and it resonates in the children’s messages of what home means to them. A special thanks to the children and staff at the Joseph M. Tierney Learning Center.
| 11/26/2014 1:33:40 PM