Healthy Start in Housing provides housing and services to women with high risk pregnancies

Participants speak out about how finding stable housing has helped them Published December 16, 2014 by Lydia Agro with 1 comments

Old Colony: Home Is Where the Hope Is

What does home mean to children in South Boston's Old Colony public housing?

Published November 26, 2014 by ibayturk with 0 comments


Mike Wolfson
This is wonderful news! Congratulations to Ms Edna, her landlord, the BHA, and especially to the tenants who are members of S8ti, who, by organizing and acting collectively, have made many improvements to their living situation! This achievement needs to be widely publicized, and should encourage more and more public housing tenants and their supporters to work together to further improve their living conditions.
9/29/2015 12:53:22 PM
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