Whittier Choice Transformation Plan - Community Forum
A Community Forum to gather input/feedback from neighborhood residents and organizations was held on Saturday, June 28, 2014 at the Madison Park Village Community Center.

There were sounds of affirmation as City Councilor Tito Jackson spoke to a crowd of 80 residents and others active in the community at a forum on Saturday, June 28th. “This neighborhood [Lower Roxbury] is the geographical center of Boston and together we can restore it to the heart of the city,” he reminded the audience. Hosted by Boston Housing Authority (BHA) and its partners, Preservation of Affordable Housing and Madison Park Development Corporation, the event was part of the planning process for a $30 million Choice Neighborhoods Initiative federal grant.
The day’s activities surrounded collecting feedback on the current draft of the Whittier Choice Transformation Plan. Following a brief summary of the overall vision and goals for the Housing, Neighborhood, and People components, participants attended two of four small group activities that explore proposed housing design and critical neighborhood improvements. One group discussed uses for the vacant Crescent Parcel. Another covered possible enhancements to Ruggles Street as a connector between Ruggles Station and Dudley Square and the potential for a fitness/heritage loop in the neighborhood. A third group discussed the plan to build a larger community center at 122 Dewitt Drive with health and wellness programs and childcare facilities plus additional housing. Finally, a walking tour through parts of the Choice neighborhood highlighted the physical sites designated for redevelopment. At all sessions, participants actively engaged in the conversation, voicing their opinions on how best to achieve the neighborhood goals.
After lunch, all the groups reconvened and reported the major takeaways from each session. A lot of valuable commentary was presented and BHA will incorporate them into the final version of the Transformation as much as possible. Additional input on the Plan is welcomed and can be submitted via email.
Alongside the community forum, Tenacity led an open house for its free tennis and reading summer camp that begins the week of July 7th. While their parents attended the event, the neighborhood children learned the proper technique to swing a tennis racket through fun games.
Choice Neighborhoods is one of the signature programs of the White House Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, which supports innovative and inclusive strategies that bring public and private partners together to help break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. It encourages collaboration between HUD and other federal agencies to support local solutions for sustainable, mixed-income neighborhoods with the affordable housing, safe streets and good schools all families need. The BHA and its partners will apply in the next round of funding for a Choice implementation grant.
| 7/7/2014 12:00:01 AM