BHA Participates in Boston Haitian Housing Forum
Boston Housing Authority joins other agencies to give more information to the Haitian community about housing options in Massachusetts.

Tele Soleil’s very own Dr. Roudy Joseph and the Haitian Community of Boston worked hard to put together an event this month, that helped families and individuals find out more about housing programs in Boston and Massachusetts.
The event was held at the Haitian Adult Day Health Center, on January 9, 2016, and had an astounding turnout of about 200 locals of all ages.
Dr. Joseph, and the leaders of the event, partnered with the Boston Housing Authority, Mayor Walsh’s Office of Neighborhood Services (Department of Neighborhood Development), the Boston Home Center, the Office of Fair Housing, the Elderly Commission, and MassHousing to form an information panel that presented at the event.
Each agency provided their own specific information about what they do in regards to affordable housing, quality housing for seniors, and first-time home-buying. They each answered as many questions as they could during the panel. The agencies also set up tables with information packets about their specialties and were available throughout the night to help the guests. BHA and MassHousing focused mainly on the topic of affordable housing, while the DND and Boston Home Center gave information out about classes and programs for first-time home-buyers.

The night started with the guests mingling at the different tables, learning more about each agency and what they had to offer. The panel was next, including a presentation and a “question and answer session” from each agency, kicked off by the Haitian National Anthem, sung by Geraldy Saint Clair. During the night, there were also refreshments and music for the guests to enjoy.
The whole event was generously translated by Nephthalie Merlain.
One resident, who would rather not be named, moved to Massachusetts from Haiti a little less than two years ago. Although leaving some of his siblings behind, he expressed that moving here was extremely beneficial to him and his sixteen year old son. He is now a part-time student at Curry College, and his son is enrolled at a high school in Dorchester.
“This event is very important to me” he said. “I would like to know more about affordable housing to help my son and myself.” He enjoys living in Boston and is especially grateful for all of the opportunities he has been given. The only thing he is still getting used to, he jokingly said, is having to wear a jacket outside every day to stay warm in the cold, compared to the tropical climate he was used to in Haiti.
Dr. Joseph believes that the forum was extremely successful. He wanted to get the community thinking more creatively on how to address their issues, and stated that they “would also like to teach them the necessary steps to take, so that they can be qualified in order for all residents to have a vibrant place to live.”
Dr. Joseph and the Haitian community hope that this is the first of many similar events to come. It is important that those who would not normally know about affordable housing are educated on the subject for their benefit. They are looking forward to spreading this meaningful information and helping as many people as they possibly can.
| 1/21/2016 1:43:26 PM