Old Colony: Home Is Where the Hope Is

What does home mean to children in South Boston's Old Colony public housing?

Published November 26, 2014 by ibayturk with 0 comments

Join the Whittier Choice Neighborhood Open House

A community conversation regarding plans to redevelop our Whittier Street housing development will take place this Wednesday (9/17)

Published September 16, 2014 by Lydia Agro with 0 comments


Angel Padilla
Roxbury has lost light. You've inspired so many of your neighbors and fellow Roxbury folk, young and seasoned. It is now on us to make sure we continue to shine your light and continue the fight to make Roxbury and the rest of Boston the best of Boston. As we continue to move forward in these hard times let us bring the fire that was Val with ever breath and every step. You will be missed but never forgotten, Long Live the Queen of Roxbury.
10/18/2022 1:59:19 PM
writing service
It was really amazing for me to read about her. I bet she is a great person!
8/23/2017 3:14:56 AM
John Kane
Val, so glad you are honoring the work your sister, Edna, began. You are making many contributions to your community. Keep up the great work!
8/12/2014 3:22:21 PM
Andrea Swain
Congratulations and well deserve recognition!!
8/6/2014 3:50:07 PM
Angela Kelly
Congrats to Val, with deep gratitude and admiration for all you do with and for Orchard Gardens, Madison Park Development Corporation, and the broader community! You set an inspiring example of dedicated leadership and service which benefits us all and from which we learn so much. Thank you!
8/6/2014 12:45:46 PM
Carol Leary
What a nice piece about Miss Valerie! She is all that & more, a really dedicated community leader. More power to her!
8/6/2014 11:40:33 AM
Rachel Goodman
Very nice profile. We are lucky to have Val involved with the Orchard community! Thank you, Val.
8/6/2014 6:25:01 AM
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