Boston Housing Authority Partnership Request Form

The Boston Housing Authority serves tens of thousands of Greater Boston's most vulnerable families. To better serve our residents and preserve affordable housing for future generations, we work with many partners and organizations on a wide range of issues. While BHA is interested in a variety of types of partnerships, BHA is particularly interested in partnerships that support three focus areas. In your response, please highlight if and how your potential partnership supports these goals:
1. Increase economic opportunity for our residents, including youth
2. Promoting sustainability related to both environmental sustainability and public health across the portfolio as well as resident capacity
3. Placemaking and design at the public housing level
BHA serves a mostly low-income population primarily serving people of color. We are therefore particularly interested in partnering with organizations that are BIPOC-led.  If you or your organization is interested in partnering with us, please fill out our partnership request form.  
    Click Here for the Partnership Request Form    

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